Hello guys,
I'm trying to wrap my head around animating with Human IK. I'm slowly taming it, but I'm still running into a really shitty issue:
I can't seam to find a way to modify The Local Rotation Axis of my Human IK controls to something that I can use.
Basically, I would like to set the rotation axis to something that Studio Library , a really cool maya plugin, could mirror properly using its mirror table feature. right now, since the rotation axis of my pelvis isn't right, it mirrors across the ZY axis instead of the YX
If there is a trick or a way to modify the LRA, please let me know. Right now, I see no rhyme or logic on how Human ik sets it. in one project my hip controller LRA is X=up and Y=Forward, while in an other its Y=up and Z= forward... In both casses the bones i use to create the definition are both X=up Y=forward so what gives Human ik...
Thanks a bunch in advance guys!
But, my problem remains, i need to actually be able to set the LRA my self and not be at the mercy of the predefined one by Maya... Any ideas?
thank you for the reply, the video was interesting, but it confirmed the fac that human Ik sets its own LRA independently of the bones you use to define it. I Never knew about the align joint tool though, so thats nice! i used to do it all by hand, doing Aim constrains and stuff, this will definitely help me in the future!
About that part, I couldn't help but wonder whether an option, such as, unlock rotation axis that exists for the bones also exists for the controls. Might be worth exploring the attribute editor or reaching out to folks at the official Autodesk Maya site.