I'm working on a small enviroment at the moment (
For this I want to use substance painter and also nDo.
For this I want to use cages for the baking.
At the moment I use the push or shell modifier in Max (shell: straighten corners, select outer faces, convert to poly, invert selection > delete).
The problem is that at some models this workflow works perfect on others not.
Thats why I looking for other ways of quick cage creation.
Did anyone knows a good way of creating cages in Max?
Also I got sometime issues when baking pipes, the normal map surface look riffled, anyone knows why?
If your not using Max try it, the projection modifier is good, just make sure to reset the cage and then push it out as required.
Make sure you have global super sampling on and set to Hammersley and 1.0 quality, and i cant remember the name of the bit above it but change that to catmul-rom
Recently I also tried substance designers baking, but had soem issues with it (edges are flipped).
I also tried o export the projection cage but unfortunately, xNormal always give an error message (cage not matching the Low-Poly mesh).
Tested it today and even with complex models it works fine