The easiest thing I can suggest to understand what I am talking about is either a camera optical focus lens or a stargate.
Does anyone know of a max compatible file or tutorial that shows how these are built rig wise? It sounds like from the research I have done it depends on how many blades (sections) are involved that will effect the layout and how the blades are shaped and the curvature to them. I'm only having to deal with 6.
Again, the blade shapes is important and depends on the total amount. Which is really why I wish I could find a blueprint for a 6 sided.
The closest I can find is this
You can see the individual blade shape there and the track it runs along to open/close.
At least for smaller camera iris's that looks to be true.
So for rigging you could just have wire parameters from a control object or something to rotate each blade about its properly placed pivot.
There do look to be other designs that involve translation, or some combination of translation and rotation, but the common ones are just rotation with a curved blade.