Hi guys, so I've been brainstorming for a day or two on a new name for my brand/identity and I'd like some help.
I'm a web designer by day but enjoy creating 3D assets. I use Illustrator allot and I want my audience to appeal towards the younger side of things...
Here I've compiled a list of names and I'd like you guys to tell me what you think sounds good and what doesn't.
Thanks fellas!
Ogle Poly
Poly Jam
Polyii, Polyi, Poli, Polii
Web Shark
Black Shark
Poly Ooze
Poly Shark
Poly Factor
Poly Zap
Digia, Digio
This'll probably give some of you guys ideas too, but which name do you think sounds well conveyed, simple or interesting.
I personally like the sound of "Vectus", "Trivect" and "Polya"...
Tell me what you think!?
I mean, "Vectus", "Trivect" and "Polya" all sound so unprofessionnal to me. But that's just my opinion and I may be wrong.
Stippel is a great artist last name! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stippling
I think it's more common in graphic design / illustration, take Moebius, sparth, etc.
Silly and pretty easy to remember
There, I gave you a license to print money.
Cookedpeanut's easy enough to remember, I don't have anything else associated with it (aside from cooked peanuts), and it feels more natural than any of the other suggestions you've got listed.
I wouldn't attach an e-learning website to your personal brand so directly, either. Xia Taptara (idrawgirls) does it, and it's fine. But that's because it's a natural extension of his blog.
Creating a niche and focused identity like that also sort've limits you in the long run, imho.
I'd recommend that you create your service, then associate your identity with it, instead of unifying the two. The only way I could see it being advantageous to do the latter, is if you had a name which was enough to pull in customers on its own.
Just look around here, the nicks people use aren't important. People will know you as "the one that did that awesome [insert your work here]". Not "the one with that name"*.
You could put up tutorials under any name you want and if they're good will people find them regardless.
* Unless you're Ben Mathis.
Your logo will be a normal map with the letters Ab in the center. Make it look like a square from the periodic table. Like Breaking Bad.
+Being able to put your real name to something give the feeling that you're less likely to be a fraud.
Now if your name was John Smith or Onomatopoeia then you'd be fucked.
cookedpeanut: None of the names you listed are as good as your actual name. Stippel Design Co., for example, is much better than the plethora of made-up nonsense words you proposed.
Be this guy: https://vimeo.com/113751583
Don't be these guys:
- 2 cents
So it's bad. Don't use it.
Also it's not how a lot of freelance works in games. A lot of freelance is driven by referrals and suggestion, it's much easier To say "yeah I know a guy his name is stipple", vs.
"yeah I know a guy, cookedpeanut."
"Well his name is stipple but he set up his "brand identity" under the name cookedpeanut."
"Oh, okay. I didn't realize that single-person freelanc operations went by aliases, other than drug dealers."
"They don't, but this guy does."
My vote goes for Stipples. Thank god you're not an Argentinian with a jewish surname.
Most people can't even pronounce mine!
So I'm going to scratch the brand name and go with something more original. I'll post back when I have something. Thanks chaps!
There is a art dude called Alexander Sedig i know. Poor bastard now is conflated with Zedig on a daily basis.