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Vertex snapping with edge constraint in Maya

polycounter lvl 6
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anglorum polycounter lvl 6
Hey there guys,

SO I'm trying to get vertex snapping work in maya while constrained to the edge while using the modeling tool kit, as that's a new feature. I really like the ability to stick my verts I'm moving to the flow of the existing topology, but sometimes I want to be able to snap up on an axis to even everything out.

However, when I try to snap the vertex up with edge constraint on, it doesn't snap at all, despite holding down the appropriate key. Curious if you guys know any good work arounds.



  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    You could make .|. become ||| if you select the top verts, use the scale tool, hold j and use one axis handle. (assuming that's what you mean, in this case lining up the top verts of three vertical loops)

    or in the move tool, tap an axis handle, hold v, then mmb click on another vert to constrain the movement.
  • anglorum
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    anglorum polycounter lvl 6
    Alrighty, thanks! I think I got it working the way you suggested... but it's kind of unquestionably unintuitive. Atleast in comparison to Max's solution for it. Hopefully they sort out something that doesn't require a million clicks, and hopefully just a toggle and it works. Thanks again!
  • YakZSmelk
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    YakZSmelk polycounter lvl 11
    Don't count on a fix to this, these are the hurdles max users just have to get over to work in Maya.

    On the up side I have alot of friends who've made the switch and swear by Maya now.
  • Alvor
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    Alvor polycounter lvl 4
    To snap a vertex to another with edge constraint, it's better to actually not try the MTK edge constraint option, as you found out by yourself. But if you have installed the bonus tools, you can do it, with the /modeling/Slide Components (at least in the 2015 version). Set a hotkey for it, enable, then the usual workflow of holding down 'v' and middle click on the vertex you wish to snap to works easily.

    There is another way, that can be pretty fast to implement with a bit of habit (and cherry on top: it doesn't clutter the history with the slide comp' node).

    try this:
    - uncheck the Modeling Toolkit option "auto-activate", and deactivate the MTK if it's on. From now on, until you explicitely reactivate it, the w,e,r keys will call the NATIVE maya transform tools, not the MTK's, obviously. Less options in a ways, but on the other hand the snapping will work flowlessly.
    - On a test sphere for example, select a vertex that you intent to "slide and snap" (caveat: not being a native speaker, I hope that I understood your OP correctly). Then hit 'w', to activate Maya Move tool.
    - hold 'd', then hold the 'CTRL' key also (ie: hold both) and click on adjacent edge connecting your currently selected vertex to the one you intent to snap to. The pivot for your initial selection stays where it is but is oriented along this edge, one axis pointing to the "target" vertex. Release the keys.
    - hold 'v', middle click-drag on the target vertex to snap. Done. Much faster to execute that to write or even read the first line of this process ;)

    It works because since v2015, the Maya's native transform tools have access to the same quick controller keys of the MTK to reposition or orient the pivot (while holding 'd' or just after hitting 'Ins', of course), even when the MTK is deactivated. hence, it's actually better to uncheck the MTK auto-activate option, IMHO.

    The only difference is that you don't have the UI visual tips that you get with an activated MTK. Here's the basic controller options btw, in pivot editing mode (temporary, by holding 'd', or via the on/off switch of the 'Insert' key) :
    - clicking on another component = reposition the pivot.
    - CTRL clicking on another component = re-orient the pivot.
    - CTRL+SHIFT clicking in empty space = reset the pivot.

    Also, check if you have to use the pin component option in the native Maya move tool or not. depending of your needs. With it check, the pivot is not changed when change your initial selection of components.
  • Alvor
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    Alvor polycounter lvl 4
    Or there is also the simple option of using the MTK move tools while holding ctrl+shift, and just draggin the mouse until the selection "bumb" into the adjacent components. Even faster, though for whatever reason, this method doesn't seem to always be undo-able, at least on my PC.
  • anglorum
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    anglorum polycounter lvl 6
    Oh man, thanks guys for the feed back and help. I didn't even KNOW the bonus tools existed, so that'll be really cool to get to mess around with.

    Also, Alvor, I definitely think your second method mentioned is going to take some getting used to, but I think it's worth playing around with to get it down. Awesome stuff!
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