Hey guys,
We are a team of 11 people (6 programmers & 5 artists) currently working on a project as part of our degree at the University of Derby. It's currently a 12 week project called Game Development and at this present time we've just finished week 9. During this stage of the process we feel ready to share our work in progress with everyone to get your opinions.
April O'Brien - Character Artist and Concepts
Kyle Horwood - Props, Shaders, VFX, Lighting
Luke Phillips - Props & Foliage
Molly Freeman - Asset Placement & Props
Reece O'Connor - Character Artist, Animator and Props.
Brandon Lockhart
James Barton
Liam O'Brien
Steve Edwards
Stoyan Georgiev
Stuart Green
These are some of our key screenshots which feature the majority of our game. The design brief for the project was based on escapism with a back seat player. It must also support the Oculus Rift. Our game idea is based on a tropical island which has an element of fantasy. The best way to describe our game play mechanics is to refer to the puzzle based 'Crystal Maze' television show.
Theres still quite a lot to refine and adjust but in order to push the quality to the next stage we would really appreciate any feedback or comments from you guys.
We'll aim to do weekly updates to show our progression until we reach our deadline, so check back for more posts.

We got a gameplay trailer to show off for our expo event tomorrow.
We haven't managed to update this as much as we wanted but we hope you will like the video anyway.
New game pictures soon.
Thanks! The camera is shaky as the other shots where you see the main player is from the second player's perspective. So as that player is flying around it and rotates it didn't look great as we use the mouse.
A trailer with camera from matinee sequence will be out within the next week or two with better and smoother cameras.
Our 12 week project for our Game Development module is now finished and we have showed our game off at our Games at Derby Expo.
Insight was fortunate enough to win 'People's Choice Award' during the event which we are very proud off.
These are some screen-caps of the game in it's final state and a few roles did end up changing.
This game was developed by us 11 students.
April O'Brien - Character Artist, Concepts & Props.
Kyle Horwood - Props, VFX, GUIs, Lighting & Textures.
Luke Phillips - Props, Textures & Foliage.
Molly Freeman - Asset Placement & Props.
Reece O'Connor - Character Artist, Animator and Props.
Brandon Lockhart - Puzzles.
James Barton - Puzzle, Optimization & GUI Programming.
Liam O'Brien - Lead Programmer & Puzzle Designer.
Steve Edwards - Decal Text Code.
Stoyan Georgiev - Engine Code.
Stuart Green - Audio Engineer.