Hey People!
First hand painted study! o.0 (The UV/Model error in the blade ^_^)
tdlr' This texture is not finished. And I am purely posting it for feedback reasons etc!!
CC is very welcome!
Reference For Art!![dd101fecee3442e8e15623fee4d98b5d.png](http://i.gyazo.com/dd101fecee3442e8e15623fee4d98b5d.png)
AO Render To see my problem area's
ps: Sorry for extending the post with images!
Keep blocking out the details, and maybe add a gradient to add interest to the handle, and emphasize your material definition. But I can't pick out much else yet. Interested in seeing where this goes.
I do feel that you're giving too much texture space to the handle, and that the spikes on the (tang?) could stand to share the same coordinate, as similar as they are to one-another.
Also Il add variation to the four spikes. However I agree that if i'd redo this, i'd most likely just share the same uv co-ords for them!