Hi folks, trying to bake out what should be a pretty straight forward map, but running into lots of issues. I've created a lamp asset, with the low poly shown below, and the highpoly simply a turbosmoothed version with some nicer beveled edges and smoother flares.
However, when I bake out the normal for these in xNormal, the area near the seams on the flared sections don't seem to match up. And I can't figure out the cause; no flipped normals, smoothing groups set up appropriately along seams, etc. Any ideas what might be causing this?
Visible seam with normal map:
Trouble areas highlighted in normal map:
Thanks in advance!
so when you bake i assume you bake the half of the object or either move the mirrored UVs aside...
as Emanuel_palalic said go ahead and put some padding in your bake
and most importantly check your export option (on the model you are applying the normal map to) for fbx Max should have options such tangents and binormals, make sure you uncheck this and apply the normal map on the exported mesh to check other errors.
No Seam! Perfect Bake?
But on taking it into Unreal, I get am still getting a seam along the UV. Flipping the green channel doesn't seem to help.
There are no mirrored UV's in this model. Any other ideas what might be up?