I mainly do hard surfaces in maya. The tools i can use are maya, mudbox (new to sculpting), photoshop with texturing and normals plugins. I just dont know if i should pick up zbrush quickly for sculpting high poly or should i mainly depend on "sculpting" in photoshop? Its pretty confusing. This is mainly for games but im looking to have detailed environments.
I don't know, its for games but want it to look like those AAA games. Is there a good tutorial for all this btw?
You said you have Mudbox so ... why not just use that? ZBrush is better, IMO, but Mudbox is certainly capable enough to handle the job.
lets take one of the arts in the banner for example, does something like this need zbrush, for that mech: https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/321/673/large/ray-le-2.jpg?1416994990
You will need to learn how to sculpt eventually. For any organic detailing (big dents, rocks, foliage, wood more often than not), it's more than just "handy", it's almost required and speeds up the process ten fold. Things like Substance Designer can really bypass or help this step along, but I recommend not touching it until you know the basics of modelling and sculpting first.
Zbrush is really good, but if you can't find Mudbox intuitive I can't help but feel Zbrush will lose you right now. It's really notorious for its... different UI choices. Combined with the whole no demo thing, I think for now you could just stick with Mudbox until you understand the process.
Photoshop isn't a sculpting program, you can only texture in it. Editing normals in it can only do so much.
But yeah, back to my point, why do you feel the need to be so fast right now?
One of the easiest sculpting apps i have used so far is Sculptris. It's free to get at the Pixologic page. It's a bit basic nowadays. But exactly this gives you a really low entry barrer to sculpting.
I see there is a good list of tutorials here, would anyone also recommend i check digital tutors or lynda?
model in maya basic shape -> add carvings in mudbox? or
model in maya high poly as possible -> add details you cant do with polygons in mudbox?
model in maya high poly -> do normals in photoshop and materials -> add details in mudbox?
the enviroment im doing is pretty much metal and machines, but i like to high poly my models as much as i can, its easier than "drawing" details.