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3D+2D JINX [lol] fanart and questions!

polycounter lvl 4
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VoxArcana polycounter lvl 4
Hello polycount! I am Arion (20) and I used to work with boring didactic children's illustration, but my love was always game art. Now I am unemplyoed and finally decided to dedicate 100% to do what I want!

To mark a new age in my life, I did this Jinx fanart:

and the original model if you're interested:

I use Zbrush, keyshot and photoshop. I usually mix 3D and digital painting to make things like this.
I also always do some workaround to get the result I want BUT I don't want to rely on these workarounds anymore, and start to do things the "right" way, and slowly make my 3D don't need so much photoshop :)

So I will start to learn 3D and everything again, and I have some questions:

- I don't know shit about retopology, it is recommended to do it in every model?

- Always struggle posing a character, this makes my characters look stiff, there is a good way to pose characters (in zbrush or any other program)?

- If I want to do really tiny details, Should I do this in the sculpting? What about retopology tiny details?

It's all for now, this is also my first post here, hope nothing is wrong haha
Thanks a lot, any tips are very welcome! :D


  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    Nice work! I reckon the only thing lacking here is Jinx's personality. Her current facial emotion look heroic, when I was expecting a crazy grin or smile.

    I think an understanding of topology is a must if you're planning on doing 3D characters. Whether you should retopologize each model, depends on what the model is intended to be used for.

    Zbrush's transpose is quite powerful for posing, whereas usually you'll rig the character, and that often takes more time.

    You can save details from high poly to low poly by using normal maps, look up some tutes. There should be plenty. http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Normal_map has a good documentation of it.

    Also, welcome to polycount!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Love the final color image!
    ( I'm a big fan of jinx!)
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    This illustration looks pretty sweet! Looking forward to your progress.
    Don't skip browsing the polycount wiki, it's on the top right, it has tons and tons of info that would be useful to you to get a spherical understanding of game art and whatnot.
  • VoxArcana
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    VoxArcana polycounter lvl 4
    yeah me too haha the best adc

    Thanks a lot guys :D
    I didn't noticed the wiki link, I'll look into it haha

    another questions:
    If I want to texture a model and render, the topology affects the final render time right?

    Rigging the character is more accurate?
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Seriously, I'm going to suggest pretending you know nothing for a while and going through every section of the wiki (it's a shame that some pages are still a little messed up, but ech what can ya do).

    Game art is sort of low-fidelity by nature-- it needs to be able to run in real time while 100001 other things are happening, not just in a still offline render.

    As such, good topology is not "affecting the final render time" as much as having a low polygon count w/ amazing topology might allow the game to reach 60+fps AND allow the model to deform correctly during animation.

    Rigging is a necessity for game models, as nothing else can drive the posing when you're in a game engine (at least nothing that is artist friendly).

    Retopo needs to be efficient-- you just try and match the basic silhouette from all common angles, but don't bother with small/tiny/high frequency details. That's what Normal Maps are for.

    Seriously, do some reading and try to let your preconceptions go! :) Good luck!
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