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Felix van den Berg Portfolio feedback - C&C welcome!

polycounter lvl 8
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Felixb polycounter lvl 8
Hi guys,

Recently I created my portfolio for a portfolio class in school. I could really use feedback in order to improve it. Feel free to critic it, anything will help, be harsh!


Thanks for you time guys!



  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Your site's decent, and your presentation is pretty consistent, which is awesome.
    If you can afford it, getting rid of the weebly advertisement wouldn't go astray, but that's just a little thing.

    Other stuff:

    - A breakdown of what you did for Heaven's Edge might be a plus. Right now I can see you worked in a team, and the end project was pretty fantastic, but I can't see what you contributed to that personally.

    - The material definition on the tank could use some work, so could the textures in general. Needs a little bit extra. The wheels are pretty dense compared to the body, which I find a little off-putting, but probably wouldn't be a problem. Showing the maps might be a good idea, also!

    - The hoverbike is really cool. The front looks a bit clean, I would expect more scratches there from debris and bugs splattering across it, but that's no huge deal again.

    - A personal thing, maybe, but I think things like
    Quick learner
    Aren't as important as your skills or software knowledge. But that's just my preference-- I feel that this particular description lacks any sort of personable quality or information that makes me more interested in you. Kind of sounds like marketing lingo?

    Nice work, by the way. :) Just keep making more!
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    Your work looks nice. I really like the Heavens Edge project, however I have no idea what work in that is actually yours. As far as I know you could just be responsible for a single plant right now, as you don't highlight any of your work on that project. So either make a separate image with only your assets or make a few shots where you grey out the stuff made by other people. It is a great scene, but ATM it doesn't tell the recruiters anything and you could almost remove it (if you don't highlight your work in it, that is).

    It would also be nice if you could open bigger versions of the images in the individual galleries as well. Not necessary, but I think it's a nice touch.

    Lastly I think the resume needs to be remade as the text is customized too much. The problem is that you're using several different font sizes, you're using underlining, italics and bold together on the same text making it look ugly. So choose one font size for your text body and one main font styling for highlighting (I'd go with bold for highlights/headers, underline for links and no italics, but that's just me).
    I'd probably remove the skill level from the computing skills as it's implied you know the program well if you've got it listed and you should be able to demonstrate that level with the work in your portfolio anyway.

    Good luck!
  • Felixb
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    Felixb polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the kind words and the critics.
    The break downs is something I've heard more often, due to the workload at school I haven't been able to create them yet, but I will definitely put them in.

    I'm planning on redoing the tank texture, since I was trying out the Quixel Suite for that and I've learned so much since then that I'm positive that I can create a better looking texture right now.

    The about section I was a bit unsure about, just like you pointed out. The list doesn't really add much and I'll probably remove it.

    Also thanks for the kind words and critics!
    You are totally right about the resume, I should have spent more time on the consistency of the fonts like you are saying. I'll improve that right away.
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