Hello polycount! I have been working on a model of assault riffle. I did a lot of work and I almost finished it but today when I created 6 sided cylinder to make bolts for the model I applied Bevel to some edges and I got crash:(. Now I can`t open the scene because I always get crash (((( I tried many things like import that scene or tried to open file that maya generates automatically after crash and nothing helps...Could you help me? Maybe your maya will open the scene and you would delete that cylinder and save file again. Or is it possible to make changes in auto generated after crash MA. file with Notepad, like deleting that cylinder or something? Fill so frustrated...Was working on it like 7 days and now everything just gone/ I`ll really appreciate any help thank you. Sorry for bad english.
Always save multiple versions as you work on models. Whenever I feel like I made some big advance or I'm unsure whether to apply a dramatic change to my project, I save a copy of it...that way, if I don't like the new version, or any crashes occur, I don't lose much time.
When Maya crashed, did it display the crash log? Sometimes Maya tries to save the crashed scene in a temp folder I think, so if you know the display log you could find the attempted save.
Make sure you select everything and do unlock normals first when you import it.
Dear DireWolf thank you a lot! It works!:) Feel free to cantact me if you need something!
Actually it was not so easy, for some reason my MAya crashes when I open your FBX file, but I opened it with 3ds max, and max gave me this - "One or more objects define the UV mapping by POLYGON_VERTEX but the index table
has less entries than the actual number of polygon vertices. The missing entries
have been assigned an arbitrary value. Depending on the affected vertices, the resulting
mapping may be corrupted."
But at least I could work on the mesh, so I removed Smooth modifier and deleted some strange looking faces. Then exported as OBJ file into Maya and saved as .ma file and now it works well. From now seems autosave feature in Maya will be my best friend )))
When Maya crashed, did it display the crash log? Sometimes Maya tries to save the crashed scene in a temp folder I think, so if you know the display log you could find the attempted save.
I can open it in Maya 2015. I'll export the fbx for you.
Make sure you select everything and do unlock normals first when you import it.
Dear DireWolf thank you a lot! It works!:) Feel free to cantact me if you need something!
Actually it was not so easy, for some reason my MAya crashes when I open your FBX file, but I opened it with 3ds max, and max gave me this - "One or more objects define the UV mapping by POLYGON_VERTEX but the index table
has less entries than the actual number of polygon vertices. The missing entries
have been assigned an arbitrary value. Depending on the affected vertices, the resulting
mapping may be corrupted."
But at least I could work on the mesh, so I removed Smooth modifier and deleted some strange looking faces. Then exported as OBJ file into Maya and saved as .ma file and now it works well. From now seems autosave feature in Maya will be my best friend )))
For the sake of system space, i work with no more than 3 saved files on each projects.