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Help test my "art guide"?

polycounter lvl 5
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toastwaffle polycounter lvl 5
Hey :) If you have nothing special going on right now, maybe you can help me with a school paper I have to write!

The paper is about art/style guides and how they can help make the look of a game as consistent as possible. As an experiment, I've created an "art guide" that explains how to follow the art style of a game we're making right now.
I need test subjects with basic Photoshop and 3D modeling knowledge that can create a small test prop and make a texture for it, and then send the model, or just a screenshot, to me!
Basically what I'm testing is how easy the process is to follow and how consistent the results are from different artists with different skill etc.

The test prop is going to be a BOX, or a storage unit, whatever you want to call it! It has to belong to one of the two factions, the Humans or the Alien Robots :)
The model doesn't have to be detailed or anything, 200-400 tris is fine!
And if you have any criticism on the art guide, I wanna hear it!


I really appreciate it if you want to help :) Peace!

If you submit, I'd like a .rar file containing:

Link to grain texture:

Lots of photo textures that you can use here:


  • nyx702
    I would attach the grain texture at the end of the rather than link it. While maybe not applicable for this school project its something to keep in mind. I have seen tons and tons of docs with dead links or paths to someones desktop. Maybe include a few samples of the multiplied textures you would like to see used.

    This may be overscope or too advanced but you could include ideal layer/max scene organization. Generally I never have a problem with peoples art per say... but I have all sorts of problem when I open there source files. Also on that note, I would mention exactly what files you want submitted and what naming pattern/folder structure they should follow.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    I don't have time to make a model. I think you'll find it difficult to find people that do. I can however share the Table of Contents of the Art Standards Guide for game I'm currently working on, Lucky's Tale. The whole document is about 20 pages, but it helps so much. Especially when we hire someone new. All their questions about tools, source control, and organization are all in one place.
    Tools, Programs, and Services
      Network and Wifi
        P:\ Drive
    Art Asset Naming Conventions
      File and Directory Names
      Suffixes for Textures
      File Sizes
    Artistic Style
    Modeling Pipeline
      3ds Max and Maya Scene organization
        Export Sets
        Objects and Names
        One Hierarchy
        Unit Setup and Character Size
          Character Models
          Environment Models
        UVW Mapping
        Vertex Normals, Smoothing Groups
        Gamma Correction
        Collision Meshes
        Project Setup
    Texturing Pipeline
      Color Swatches
      Texture Formats
      Texture Sizes
    Animation Pipeline
      Character Setup
        Bone Names
        Bones Layer
      Bone Counts
      Upper and Lower Body animations
      Animation Ranges
    Art Tools for Maya
      Install Playful Tools for Maya
      Using the Playful Exporter for Maya
    Art Tools for 3ds Max
      Installing 3ds Max Tools
    Art Tools for Photoshop
      Install Exporter for Photoshop
    Modular Design (Levels)
      Sizing conventions 
    Setup Perforce for ArtSource
      Installing Perforce
      Running P4V
      Windows Shell Extension
    Level Design
      Camera Considerations
      Minimum Player Movement Space
      Big Coin Placement
      Star Placement
      Design Process
      Sound and Music Format
  • toastwaffle
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    toastwaffle polycounter lvl 5
    nyx702 wrote: »
    I would attach the grain texture at the end of the rather than link it. While maybe not applicable for this school project its something to keep in mind. I have seen tons and tons of docs with dead links or paths to someones desktop. Maybe include a few samples of the multiplied textures you would like to see used.

    This may be overscope or too advanced but you could include ideal layer/max scene organization. Generally I never have a problem with peoples art per say... but I have all sorts of problem when I open there source files. Also on that note, I would mention exactly what files you want submitted and what naming pattern/folder structure they should follow.

    Thanks for the input! I'm gonna update the post with some texture samples and maybe some instructions for what files to submit. :)
    monster wrote: »
    I don't have time to make a model. I think you'll find it difficult to find people that do. I can however share the Table of Contents of the Art Standards Guide for game I'm currently working on, Lucky's Tale. The whole document is about 20 pages, but it helps so much. Especially when we hire someone new. All their questions about tools, source control, and organization are all in one place.

    That's really helpful, thanks! That'll be great reference for when I need to create a real art guide down the road. :)

    Yeah, it was a bit of a longshot asking here, I realize people are busy! I already have some classmates helping me out but one of them suggested I ask here too. :)
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