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Full Time Project Manager

jose montanez
polycounter lvl 4
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jose montanez polycounter lvl 4
Managing projects for modern video games requires organization and flexibility. Being able to keep track of the frequent changes that come up during a production cycle is a skill that takes years of experience. Projects require managers that know this first hand. Every day Liquid Development is producing work at the forefront of modern game production and the demands for our services continue to grow. Batman, Halo, Evolve, Mass Effect are some of the teams that turn to Liquid Development when they are seeking an art service partner. Do you yearn to work on some of the best known titles published each year? Do you want to be on the forefront of modern game production? Come join the team at Liquid Development, where you will work at the highest level of production in the industry!

We are seeking a Project Manager to work on-site at Liquid Development, located in Portland, Oregon. As a Project Manager you will help determine budgets, manage resources, and facilitate communication between artist and management. Liquid Development offers a fun and cooperative work atmosphere, where collaboration is encouraged. Come work among a diversely talented team and remain on the cutting edge of content creation.

Email your resume to Jobs_LD@liquiddevelopment.com
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