Hello , I am getting mad at Photoshop and Internet ....
when I do a drawing , in PS then Upload on Internet , even if saving for web , it looks different that how looks on my monitor ... It usually gets more saturated and more dark .
I have tried all settings possible and several tuts but no matter what I always get different images ...
This is a sample of how it looks , even simply grabbing this image with print screen got the colors different from how I see them .
On left is photoshop colors , on right the Internet uploaded image .... Is there a way to make those two match ?
and most importantly to be sure that how I do see them is the same as others see them?
I have usually set viewport to monitor rgb ,
my color settings are :
North American general purpouse 2
RGB : srgb IEC61966-2.1
Color management : RGB to preserve embedded profiles
Conversion Options Engine Adobe ( ACE )
Intent Relative colorimetric
Any help would be appreciated

thankyou ....

I remember the Koken staff telling me that an older version of PHP was why my images were getting washed out. It might be some implementation on your host screwing you, try a different one.
If it's normal before uploading to the net it's almost certainly a rendering/backend problem not an export one.
I have dual screen DELL .