Hello Polycount, I'm a recent grad and I have started to create some different art from what we made at school to try and make my portfolio more unique. I started this project a couple days ago and I'm always looking for C&C. I know there is a huge firearm community here, so I'm looking forward to any tips and tricks anyone is willing to throw my way.
Some reference,
My progress
Also thank you RabidRabit, I understand what you are saying about my renders, so I made some adjustments and think it is a lot easier to see the details.
Here is an update of my progress from today.
Here is my progress from today, I was able to complete the stock and some other small adjustments. C&C always welcome
I plan on making a scope for it and I was debating to make a bipod as well.
This is a quick and dirty edit, but see how much easier it is to read forms when you use a larger value range:
Don't do this in photoshop or with any post though because that would just be avoiding the problem, do it straight with the renderer for the most control.
Another thing is the barrel being clipped off in the top two would look better as a fade.
Here is the final high-poly that I will be using for the low and bakes, so any last minute C&C would be awesome.
Above I tried to match the sharpness close to what your hex nuts look like for the one on the left. Notice how the one in the middle barely changes the silhouette but catches light significantly better.
The definition in your rendering improved a lot in these last ones
Somedoggy - Sorry I didn't notice your last comment, while I fix some of the problems from my test bake, I will go back and mess with some of my edges from the high-poly.