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Procedural map generation Houdini to UDK

polycounter lvl 7
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DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
Pretty awesome. Sons wants to start doing level design. I'm looking for efficient methods for him and came across this. Pretty cool and fast.

Can't remember how to embed video, sorry.


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 3
    That's not fast method. You have to be really good in Houdini to know how to achieve something like this and THEN you can do it as fast.

    What you see on the video is big customized Digital Asset that was made after couple months of R&D and it was made at the end of school as a proof of concept. That means 2+ years of school + around 1 year of R&D.
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    OK , it still does not detract from how cool I think it is.
    As with all tool there is a learning curve. Some steeper than others. It would seem that he's already done the R&D and something like this could be released. I'll be reading over his dissertation to find out more. I've been slowly moving along this path with some programmer friends trying to generate random race tracks based on rule sets. We'll see how it goes.
  • Count Vertsalot
    Just download Unreal Engine 4 since it's free now. You can do level design in that all you want. You could even try making a blueprint that automates level creation.
  • DireWolf
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    First of all one needs to learn the basic. Get UE4, or Unity, and start playing with it. Short cut tools should only be used once one already got the basic down.

    You won't put your son in a brand new Ferrari without letting him learn how to drive first on a 2nd hand Toyota.
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