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Sculpt WIP

Greg DAlessandro
polycounter lvl 6
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Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 6
Here is my WIP: (First attempt at Fibermesh)




I still have to sculpt the eyes, color the skin/eyes/hair, add a bit more detail overall, and sculpt microdetail (pores).

Any critiques/ comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • TheodorUrhed
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    TheodorUrhed polycounter lvl 4
    I think you're going at this in a very bad way, you shouldn't start with the fibermesh until you're mostly done with the sculpt. And for the sculpt I'd recommend going from a low subdivision, nailing the big proportions, subdividing once, get all the secondary forms right and work your way slowly upwards. And when I say low subdivision I mean very low, no more than 10k polys.

    One thing to keep in mind too is if you do a likeness study of someone that someone else has already done really good, you diminish your chance of attention and you will constantly be compared to the other person's work.

    I have also found that doing a likeness is a huuuuge waste of time, I must have started tens of different likeness sculpts and put tens of hours into each, all yielding a pretty terrible result since I wasn't good enough. And even though the actual sculpt turned out pretty good for a face, it failed horribly because it was constantly compared to the real person's face. So my recommendation would be to not spend much time with likeness sculpts until you're really good. Your time would be better spent on doing faces based on different people, you'll learn more that way too. That's what I wish I had known years ago.
  • AngryMindtricks
    I have to agree with Theodor... In the space of achieving one spot on likeness sculpt you may have already obtained a few dozen character busts worthy of portfolio standard that you would have probably scrapped trying to match your reference's precise features... Unless this is all fan work and you merely want to do it for fun, then by all means but if it's an idea for portfolio... probably not the best idea since nowadays likeness character models in Games are scanned first and then polished anyway.
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