I'm doing a US ranger and I really need to know the easiest and most effective ways of doing the accessories to get clean bakes and good UV spacing.
I know there are many different ways of tackling a US soldier but these are the main steps I want to cover.
3.UV spacing
So here is some of my character accessories. For every one of them I modeled the base mesh in 3ds max. I then exported it into Zbrush and started sculpting.

Here is what my initial plan is for retopoing the front pockets

Now here is what I always wondered and never really knew how character modelers go about doing it. Here is the buckle and strap.

So I need to get my mind through this and see how you guys go about doing it for best results. It always was in the back of my head on how character modelers do it. If you guys could teach me some tricks and share some tuts that would be great. My main issue is knowing what to retopo.
Here is the full body character of what I have so far. I'm aiming for 20,000 tri
And how would you guys go about doing UV's put all accessories on 1? Split it Head, Mid, Bottom?

as for UV mapping, i'd break it up into multiple chunks. i'd do textures for the head, head gear, overall gear, hands, upper body, lower body and boots.