I'm trying to use a insert brush on a subD mesh but it's saying I either need to delete devisions or freeze? I tried freeze but it messed up my geo when I unfreezed it.
What's the deal here? Am I supposed to just deleted my visions, use the insert brush and hope I don't need my lower divisions again? I could maybe create a backup clone of that tool, then if needed later I could zremesh and project using the clone?
You can delete the lower suvdivisions. The new IMM insertions should have their own polygroups, so it should be easy enough to split them into a new subtool afterwards, allowing you to recreate the lower subdivision levels.
Alternatively (and the way I usually work), I just duplicate the tool, delete the subdiv levels I dont need, give it a single polygroup, do the IMMs, then delete the duplicated part I was inserting on.