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Chinese Dragon Creature

polycounter lvl 4
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tweekedgirl polycounter lvl 4
Morning Polycounters :) I'm just sharing with you a new piece I started work on this week. I'm just doing it for fun and practice, but any feedback is definitely appreciated!

Started from scratch with zSpheres on Thursday morning. This is where I'd got to by the end of the day:


Spent a few more hours yesterday, adding in the muscles on the front legs, detailing the front feet, small fix to the face and started working on the feathering on the front legs.


Once I've finished the sculpt, I really want to focus on getting some very nice materials and textures on this, as this is where I usually pay least attention to.


  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    Good start! I think some of the shapes need to be refined more such as the area around his head for example. Do you have references/sketches that'll show what kind of creature you're going for?

    His rear side is sort of bothering me as it appears very skinny compared to the rest of his body, though that could just be the direction you're taking. However I can't quite make out what that square-like shape around his lower hips (just above his thighs) is, so you might want to investigate that.

    Looking forward to see more progress!
  • tweekedgirl
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    tweekedgirl polycounter lvl 4
    Cheers for the feedback Tom, I think the main issues with the rear side is that I've no done extra work on that since the first day, so yeh I agree he does currently look a bit on the slim side towards the back! That should be fixed up soon once I've spent a bit of time there, along with the awkward looking square part.

    My references are the usual Chinese festive dragons. I like the slender but powerful look, think Mushu from Mulan, Haku from Spirited Away that kinda of dragon. The underlying anatomy I'm going for is canine.
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