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Odow's Handpaint Environment

polycounter lvl 8
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Odow polycounter lvl 8

You may know me from my Bakery diorama or from the monthly Handpaint ArtJam

I just recently got the courage to post my work and i most say; i regret not doing it before.I decided to start a general thread where i can post thing i'm working on, no matter the project! I'm currently working on 3days diorama, Why 3 days ? Mainly because i wanna work on my speed and it will allow me to train on various material. I plan on going back on them after a few diorama to review and improve them with a fresh look.

Feel free to give advice, critique, compliment and paintover (I love them a lot! So easy to learn with them)

/!\ Disclaimer: I'm hardcore bad at rendering. I'm currently using marmoset2.0 but i wanna learn unity or udk in the next weeks. So if you have trick, good beginner tutorial please go ahead help me!


  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    My first diorama is an Arid desert. I currently do not have the render version with me i'll post it tonight. My next diorama will be a green meadow and also my entry to this month artjam.

  • Crappuccino
    Hey, the lizard is really cool and the stone it's sat on is very pleasant to look at. :)

    The only thing that in my opinion doesn't fit the scene is the color of the cactuses. They look very cartoonish where as the rest of the scene follows a somewhat realistic color palette.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    The only thing that in my opinion doesn't fit the scene is the color of the cactuses. They look very cartoonish where as the rest of the scene follows a somewhat realistic color palette.
    Thank you^-^ that lezard gave me an hardtime haha

    Well i didn't really try to go more realistic for the rest, on contrary I saturated the orange in everything to make it brighter.

    In fact, most of cactus are really saturated green. I used Saguaro cactus and Barrel Cactus as well as a plant from the aloe family (that i can't find anymore,because i was too stupid to pin it on my board). Mostly to add color "pop" to my diorama.
  • Savannakhet
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    Savannakhet polycounter lvl 11
    Oooh, Pretty.

    Have the sand blend with the dried mud in a less uniform manner: at the moment it looks like two circular dollops of sand placed on the mud.

    Also paint some AO in. Really like the circular cactus with the flower on top.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah currently it's really just 2 circular drop of sand on the cracked tiled and you're right it's not looking that great, I'll just drop the tiled, uv'ed something and blend it nicer and paint those AO.
  • MsPrestige
    My gosh I love your hand-painted stuff!! :3 I fell in love with the bakery one you were working on!! :D This one looks really cool too! :) I pretty much had the same things to say as Savannakhet. That weed behind the rock and the tumbleweed looks awesome! :) Can't wait to see more of your work!!
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    That's how it look with light, like you can see there's some issue with the aloe, the shadow is grainy on that part.
  • GhostChili
    I think the craggy rock surface would benefit from a little sand sparsely tiled on top and even in the cracks. Right now there is an evident separation between each prop that is jarring. Also, right now my focus is the cactus flower when I feel that the lizard was supposed to be the star of the show, maybe make the lizard contribute to the sillhouette and pop him out through some sort of visual contrast? (upt do you, hue variation, value, maybe scale)
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    i wanted the focus on the cactus flower, the lizard was a small last minute addition because the rock felt lonely, I don't think the lizard is good enough to be a central piece. Maybe i should make it smaller.

    But i see what you mean every thing colorfull is on the center, that's probably due by last minute change, i didn't know where to place the aloe so i create a second "island". I need to replace the thing in a better composition.

    I'm going to check all that and fixed and come back tomorrow with a better version ^-^
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    The plants turned out really well. The only two downsides are the tall cactus and the ground textures. The tall cactus just doesn't match up in style or execution as the other plants in the scene. The round cactus has individual fins modeled out (or ridges, whatever those are called), why not the object that is much bigger?

    GhostChili is on the mark saying to add sand caught in some of the cracks. It could use some more medium and small pebbles in the texture to help blend it together. I would also push the sand further and add some gathered up in the cracks of your rock and dusted along the bottom of things.

    As for the lizard, he looks like a main character because he's center stage on that rock. Maybe tuck him between the two rocks in the shade or have him crawling up the side of the rock. Make him more of a prize for people who explore your scene.
  • mwallace
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    mwallace polycounter lvl 4
    Love your scene so far. I definitely think you are close with the lizard. I know it's not your centerpiece, but if you are considering making changes to it, I would like to throw a couple quick suggestions out there...

    1. Rotate the hands/feet forward.
    2. Give it a bigger belly.

    I hope this horrible paintover helps.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Spacey wrote: »
    The tall cactus just doesn't match up in style or execution as the other plants in the scene. The round cactus has individual fins modeled out (or ridges, whatever those are called), why not the object that is much bigger?

    There's a reason for that, saguaro cactus doesn't have needle and have really small bump, while bombshell cactus have really big one. Doing the "fin" for the saguaro just look odd and not cartoonish enough. So i decided to to a tileable for the saguaro. But after a really good night of sleep (12hours haha) I know how to make it look better by changing the texture and not the geo !

    So i'm going to work on fixing all those thing ~
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8

    I change the composition do you prefer it that way ?

    Also Small tweak, I make the lizard smaller, move it from the center of the rock, I change the saguaro texture ( I think it look way better like that), I tweak the bombshell cactus' flower color, it's less saturated now but still add the eye catching color.

    I really prefer that composition so i think i'll kept that, and start fixing the floor.
  • GhostChili
    Yes! This reads much better, the overall sand formations were too separated and disjointed this "holds" the subject matter better. Regarding the floor, maybe assign a transparent alpha that softens the transition from craggy ground to nothingness along the circumference?

    Grass: The alpha looks like it's picking up a black background, make sure the surrounding color on the texture is aligned with the hue of the grass, i like to go a teensy bit lighter. Also, they could stand to have more presence, hand painted stuff usually benefits from exaggerated proportions so all that hand painted goodness can be shown off.

    Not sure how I feel about the tumble weed, I feel like it was placed there to carry the negative space on the left. Your other assets are much stronger in comparison to the point that it stands out, maybe I'm just seeing things. However I don't think this piece would suffer too much if it was removed completely, and the podium was re centered to your subject matter.

    Edit: It kinda looks like your assets are scared of something under the sand in the middle of your set. Break it up with something maybe? Keep the golden triangle in mind when set dressing and breaking up negative space.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    So i got rid of the tumbleweed, make the grass bigger, de-saturated the huge cactus, blend the sand and the cracked a bid better, add some paint AO, change the size of various things, here's the unlit version, i'm going to called it done and move on. I will report some screenshot when i'll do something nice in unity ( can't figure out the lights yet)

  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Started my next speed diorama, this one is going to be a meadow and my entry for this month Art Jam too !

    Not much to see, it's going to be a lot of plane so I hide them in this screenshot. The grass is placeholder, I just took something i had from an older project.


    Here's a closeup at my tree texture, after many try and different approach, i'm pretty proud of it.

  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    Hmmm...from a distance the tree looks like it's made of flesh to me. Its reminding me of something from Silent Hill. O_O

    Very nice work on your Arid environment :)
    I like the changes you made to the sand and the edges of the ground.
  • kingcobra
    fun stuff...keep at it
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    It's a nice texture, unfortunately without lighting your model just looks flat and noisy.

    If you're not going to use realtime lighting then you should either use non-tiling textures and paint the lighting information into your diffuse, or use vertex coloring.

    You could also bake your tiling texture down to a separate UV set and paint that if you wanted. Vertex coloring would be the fastest solution though so I would try that first, you just may need to add more geometry to get the cleanest results.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Tweak the color a bit it was too pink, also I think i'm starting to figure out a bit more unity.

  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    @odow I like the colours better now. I was wondering is there any way of making the tree look less flat.


    If you look at particular the top circled, that looks flat to me. That branch looks like a flat sprite.

    For example,

    if we look at real trees
    Every branch feels round on this tree. I think everytime you make a branch you keep the roundness for the bigger branch that splits off, but the smaller branch starts to get flatter.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    That's because they're only planes haha, since i'm doing an irish oak, there's going to be a lot of foliage so they'll be mostly hidden.

    However I forgot to pain Ao and light on them !
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    Your painted textures are lovely! That color variation in your bark texture is beautiful. I think one comment about some of the ground tiling textures would be that they are reading as a little busy; particularly the grass and the cracked mud shapes. I think something that was tiled at a larger size and had more vague, less contrasted shapes might keep the focus of your scenes on your beautiful props a bit better.

    Really enjoying these posts, keep it up!
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Add some leaves to that tree ^-^ They are a bit big, but i think it gave a nice cartoon look to it

  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    I agree Odow, those leaves look great!
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Fences ~ More to come tomorrow

  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    Coming along nicely.

    The leaves definitely make the tree look much better, although I still think the bark looks a bit too flesh-like at the moment. I think what's happening is the green hues in the bark are causing the pink to appear more pink than they might actually be, if that makes sense.
    I could just be seeing things though >.<
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Sorry for the lacks of update haha. I actually finish my scene in April 1, but so many thing happen i just didn't do any render and I start working on other stuff. the principal reason for the lack of update is that i had TONES of artifact in maya due to all the alpha and it just didn't look good to take screen of that.

  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    Very colorful and has a serious summer vibe! The grass around the front tree is not spread enough in my opinion. As well as it doesn't get to move past the fence line?

    Maybe some could have escaped? :)
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    What I had in mind was like it's a backyard with a meadow behind kind of thing so the lawn was mowed but it wasn't trim in order not to damage the fences or the tree or even the flowers that grow naturally there. I remember when i did the lawn in country that i used to trim under the fences but not around the wood pillar.

    What do you mean by not spread enough ? :O like there's too much of grass concentrated or that there should be more and more spread but the zone size
  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    So look under the tree, the grass closest to the front looks like its all one piece of grass it has no depth. Just by moving a few of the pieces of grass props forward would distinguish that issue :)
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Here what i was working on before I start my new job, it's a chinese forest diorama, I'll put it on small hiatus in order to do this month artjam ^-^


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