Heya everybody. I'm Natasha and I come from Denmark

I like to do digital art and I want to become an illustrator and 3D-prop/environment artist.
I'm gonna start out with the picture of Day 2 of the 21 Days challenge, which is from yesterday.
Took 5-6 hours, it was a master study where I tried to learn how to paint cloth - never tried before (was too scared xD).

I do not paint environments a lot, I kind of tend to avoid them.
I know the painting is slightly unfinished by it's a school night and I didn't begin until 20:00 and end at 01:00 so it was what I could do in that time.
Nancy Viscountess Astor by John S. S.
So I've recently finished a portrait of my boyfriend that I just wanted to plop down here in my sketchbook, it was pretty good practise and great fun to make it. (and frustration)
I did the art assets for the game, whilst my bofriend did the coding, his friend did the ui and particles and another guy did the music (more info on the page)