So today I am doing something I don't normally do a whole bunch. But this year I plan on posting more often. .. I've been a long time poly counter, I, to be honest, spend a lot of my time in the polycount hangouts but only posting once in a blue moon but today I felt the need to start this thread to help me push this project to the finished state.
Here we go!
So with all the new changes occurring in the game industry I have adopted a new workflow.So with that said at the end of last year I picked up Substance Designer and Substance painter.
Since then I've been working in the lab the last couple months and wanted to show some early results with Substance Painter
Original concept art:![layout1_c_sheild_1000.jpg](
Also, it looks like you strayed from the concept quite a bit. It still looks really good, but after seeing the concept I would have liked to have seen all of those Celtic designs in there as well.
Yea i thought about that this morning while posting it . I still have space on the model to do it as it was the original plan. And i also thought that given the new texturing direction those designs could be a burn tainted gold or something like tat. The verdict is still out on it but thanks for commenting ..
Good thoughts .. I will paint out some of the edge wear so that its not everywhere thanks for the comments
I'll take a seat here
Gonna give a try to that substance suite, it seems to give some magical power texturing
Yea there somethings about the original that will sneak back in .. thanks for the comments