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Focused critique on sculpting a head

Hey, i'm working on my second head sculpt
it's for a school assignment and i need to sculpt a famous persons head, i picked harrison ford.

i've done a base and would love to get some feedback, it's just a base so it's symmetrical and has no small details yet, i feel like something is off, especially the eyes look strange but i can't fidure out why
i've been looking at tons of different ref and reshaping the eyes but somehow it still feels strange, on my sculpt i have the feeling that the eyes are too far in and the eyebrow is way too big but when i change it too make the shape softer it doen't seem to fit with the ref anymore

i also know the ears are strange but i haven't gotten to shaping them yet




  • daniellooartist
    Offline / Send Message
    daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Joe. I'm not much of a character artist but I see the eye thing you mention come up quite a bit. The eyes have this almost perfect elliptical shape to them. Think of the eyes as having angles and sharp turns. It's more clear in this shot of HF

  • AgelosAp
    Offline / Send Message
    AgelosAp polycounter
    Hey, good job so far, here is a few pointers from me.
    The skull (I mean the upper ball-like part) looks small from the front view, together with the ears being almost parallel to the head looks weird, they should point outwards, also as you said they are not done yet but mainly they need more flesh, you have a very shard edge.
    The forehead, visible on the 3/4 view especially, has a wrong curvature, looks a bit rectangular.
    For the eyes I 'm not quite sure but are the eyeballs actually spheres? If not they should.
    Also in general don't be afraid to get some basic anatomy reference from heads other than the particular actor.

    Keep going dude!
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