I'm really enjoying substance painter right now. However I'm confused as to how I can export Specular maps for UE4. IN SP the only shader option I have is Metal-Rough, from my UE4 understanding metalness is not what I want as I've been painting specular maps. In the export options there IS a gloss-specular option which is what I want, however doesn't export the maps I want.
What would that standard file set-up and export process be for albedo, spec, rough and NM from substance painter to UE4?
Much appreciated.
Variances in reflections should be done through the roughness map.
Ye, cheers. : )
Their cloth talk starts at the bottom of page 5. There's also supplementary content here http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2013-shading-course/
Another thing to note is that the specular input (which really shouldn't be touched unless you have a good reason) has a default value of 0.5. This gives you the 0.04 (4% specular reflection) almighty_gir mentioned, so naturally bringing it up to a value of 1 will bring that to 0.08. You might find it necessary to boost that based on view angle if you try to approximate some kind of cloth shading.
In the end though it may not make a visually significant difference to do all that work