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Demo Reel - Crits and Feedback

polycounter lvl 7
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Misformature polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys! Nice to see that polycount has a home here for the animation people finally. Been lurking for quite a bit, loved watching the modeling going on, and now super stoked to see some animation popping up. I'm currently going through animation mentor and getting near the close of it, kinda worried, kinda excited. So here is my demo reel so far, still 2 more projects to add hopefully after. Any info would be welcome, I'm planning on sending this out soon and have never done that before >.<.



  • slipsius
    Man, great reel! Not a fan of that last shot though. left a bad taste in my mouth. not the greatest thing to end on. The animation seems fine enough, but the camera work is kinda shoddy. fast cuts, weird angles. But ya, besides that, great stuff!
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Going to second slipius about the last shot, the half second focus at the end feels a bit too forced for my tastes.

    The only other shot that rubbed me a bit weird was the Lion walk cycle. The rest of your work is so fluid, that although stylized, it feels incorrectly twitchy.

    I am loving that purple hat, soooo floppy. Keep it up man, I want to see some more!!
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    I agree with what's been said, the lion and last shot are your weakest peices, I do think you put your best work first, which is good.

    But er.... What happened to her sword at the end of the first shot?
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    Agree get rid of the last shot.

    The axe feels heavy except for the end where he throws it away without much effort. Weak anticipation and he doesn't commit his whole body to the throw (mostly arms). Good news is that if you don't feel like working on that shot anymore you could try cut the last part out.

    Keep it up and good luck with your last shots at animation mentor!
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Really cool stuff here. I agree with what people have said, last shot looks interesting but it's just too confusing for me to read at first.
    I for one do not like the big guy with the huge sword, it's sort of sliding across the ground when he turns and moves, has no weight.
    And the lion, it's too fast for it to be limping, if that's what it's doing?

    Keep it up!
  • Misformature
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    Misformature polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you guys so much for the feedback! It seems it's time to kill the final shot lol. It's one of my older animations so it's no biggie just cutting it. I was debating if I should keep the walk cycles or not. What I've heard from my mentors is that it's better to have a really good 30 second demo reel than 2 minutes of okay or things that kill it.
    @slipius-Thank you! Good to hear that my work is getting better, that means a lot! Gonna kill that last one.
    @heboltz3 - I think i bumped up the timing too much on the limp of the lion, I'll try getting that more smoothed out to fit in
    @Archanex - on the fist scene, she ends up throwing down the sword in anger at the end. Maybe make that more clearer? so you can tell that's what she's doing?
    @bejkon-The axe shot ended up being a frames constraint issue for that assignment where I had to collapse the anticipation for the final throw. It looked wrong, I just couldn't figure out why. Add more anticipation, and utilize more of the body in the throw. or cut it lol. roger!
    @PeteHawk - And the sword guy! :( I'll try and work and that weight. I think what I messed up is that the sword is parented to the hand, so keeping the sword on the ground is counter animation on 1's. Learned that the hard way. And looks like the lion need more fleshing out.

    Thank you guys so much! This helps a lot!
  • juliett
    Keep it up and good luck with your last shots at animation mentor!


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