Probably a 2 second fix though I can't figure it out

Only been using Zbrush for a week and am following quite an advanced tutorial (recipe for stuff going wrong). I placed a bunch of polypainted bricks around and put a plane underneath, then sculpted on it using spherebrush and fibrebrush to make a mossy dirt-like texture as per the tutorial
One of the bricks was too deep and went under the floor plane, so I went back and selected my bricks to draw one out and this happened
It's a button somewhere right? I bet it is
A hollow victory indeed, but now I'm not getting any depth information in my grabdoc
Any ideas?
But you can see that Zadd is on in the upper picture? I tried all the Draw buttons anyway
I solved the grabdoc issue, apparently it's best to draw out a Plane3d to start and set the default depth, otherwise other meshes will be out of range or something
The mysterious program that is Zbrush