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Bad Texture Distortion - Help would be appreciated

I was told to repost this here instead of general, hope someone can help.

I'm getting some pretty severe texture distortion generating uvs with UV Master. I think something is fundamentally wrong with my workflow. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help me pinpoint where things go wonky, those who have established workflows.

So I take my highpoly, duplicate it, zremesh the duplicate to produce a relatively low poly base mesh to pull my UVs from. To do so I zremesh with adaptive on and just use the slider to find a reasonable polycount that holds enough of the general shape. I then take the duplicate, divide-project repeatedly against the highpoly till it retains the level of detail I want. I then slide back to the lowest subdivision and generate my UVs. Really crappy UVs.

Anything in there look out of sorts and would explain crappy UVs?

And as a P.S. after tinkering a bit more after this original post, although the individual objects are similiar in scale, it seems to be generating UVs that are wildly disproportionate.
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