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viking character - unity 5

polycounter lvl 9
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tahakitan polycounter lvl 9
I made a game character for my game production class for unity 5. if anybody knows how to make it look like the substance painter in Unity, please let me know.ro2fFqI.png


  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 9
    somebody has to know this lol...
  • gsokol
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    Well, big difference here is lighting. Substance uses image based lighting. You'll need to do some work with the lighting...also your dependent on reflections. Do you have reflection probes set up in Unity? Even if you do....you don't really have a lot of stuff in the world to reflect.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    yeah just to mirror/extend on what George is saying here:

    Substance Designer/Painter use image based lighting, so you only get a sense of how the asset will look under ambient light conditions. You would ideally want to find another way of previewing with direct lights to help see how things will look on the final asset.

    For example, skin shaders require a direct light contribution for any subdermal lighting effects to even show up, so without a direct light skin will never look right.
  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 9
    thank you all for the explanation :D
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