I'm getting some pretty severe texture distortion generating uvs with UV Master. I think something is fundamentally wrong with my workflow. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help me pinpoint where things go wonky, those who have established workflows.
So I take my highpoly, duplicate it, zremesh the duplicate to produce a relatively low poly base mesh to pull my UVs from. To do so I zremesh with adaptive on and just use the slider to find a reasonable polycount that holds enough of the general shape. I then take the duplicate, divide-project repeatedly against the highpoly till it retains the level of detail I want. I then slide back to the lowest subdivision and generate my UVs. Really crappy UVs.
Anything in there look out of sorts and would explain crappy UVs?
P.S. I've tried just about every tool available in UV Master: readjusting seams, using AO mapping, every type of density mapping...yada yada yada.
When I looked into using uv master, it seemed very clunky and sloppy...not to say my experiments were the be all end all.
Might want to try something else like https://www.uvlayout.com/
The main issue is UV Master is creating wildly disproportionately sized UVs for very similiarly proportioned objects.
Btw I really admire your work, really clean.
Ah I think you're right about Dynamesh destroying UVs....hmm..I think your best bet would continue on with using UV Master and tweaking the UVs in Max. Perhaps when you separate your polygroups into UV shells, reproject them in Max. That way they will unwrap the way you want them to instead of the way Zbrush wants and you can control where the seams are more efficiently