Hi all,
I thought I'd start a sketchbook with the idea that it might force me to finish this project! Partly to keep a journal for myself but all crit is welcome.
The scene I'm developing will be eventually turned into an Unreal scene but for now I'm just developing the assets.
The setting is a home office of a wealthy male individual, furnished in an antique styling. The year is approximately 2050 and the time of day is still yet to be decided.
Asset 01 WIP - Desk
Room layout/basic modelling.
Added a few basic colours to get some ideas. Remade the windows but I'm still not sure about them - I think 3 might be more pleasing to look at.
Mostly I'm wondering how much detail to add to the models, it's a small compact scene and I hate unwrapping so I'm planning to avoid it so that means normal maps are out of the question. I'll use a few tileable dirt/grunge maps here and there to give it the detail it needs.
Finally started tinkering with Unreal. It's actually quite enjoyable, I never thought I'd like it as much as Unity but it's not as complex as I remember in UE3 and the results are certainly decent for the time spent.
First image is how it looked yesterday and the second image is how it looked by the end of today.
Still lots to learn but Unreal sure is powerful!
Time of day is late evening, street lamps and moon light are illuminating the room with some small internal lights.
Quite liked the lighting effect on the ceiling but it was giving me some issues, uncalibrated monitors also make for bad lighting!
This. Damn. Chair.
I mean, I've been working professionally (if you can call it that) as an artist for 3 years now but I've spent an embarrassing amount of time even getting it roughly modelled.
Still needs arms, legs modelling properly and detailing a bit more. Fun times.
I really like this one
Thank you for your comments. I'm still playing with the lighting it's quite difficult to gauge what it would be like to play. Dark games aren't fun to play, especially when you're in a brightly lit room!
The chair is finally complete for now.