Since I lack a woman and a face dedicated piece in my portfolio this seemed like the obvious choice ^^
This is being done at school and I've spent a week of half time so far on the project, with two more weeks to go. I've basically finished the sculpt and polypaint and I'm almost done retopping to lowpoly. The hair is strictly placeholder to help myself place the planes in the lowpoly

Critique is of course very welcome!
As far as the sculpt goes, you've got some good tertiary detail in there and the anatomy is pretty solid, but it's looking a bit off because the bone structure is still symmetrical basically. Try adding a bit more asymmetry and it won't look as stiff. Like I said, I like the overall tertiary but why not put any on the nose?? :P It's making it look too smooth without it.
How did you attack the eye lashes by the way? And how are you planning to do the hair?
Also I can see your zBrush cursor in the bottom right of your images
You make very good points about the color variations but since Zbrush really sucks at just tweaking hues and values without having to repaint everything, I'll adjust it in the textures when I'm working with the lowpoly instead
You're also right about the assymmetry, and I've been thinking about how to tackle it without adding too much of time to the process(especially retopping). It might be foolish of me to think that pulling some verts around in the lowpoly will yield a good result but I'll try it out for this piece and see if it works out.
Haha, I don't really know why I have avoided details on the nose, I'll make sure to fix that.
I made the eyelashes the same way Rafael Grassetti did in his latest piece, placing each hair by hand. My plan is to make all the hair with alpha planes, but I might reconsider the eyebrows and just make them flat in the face texture instead.
I just used puush to get the images up quickly, hence the cursor in the lower right ^^
I used this, i makes wonders :
I'll make sure to make adjustments tomorrow
I think the eyes are a little far apart, I usually place them another eyes width apart (making the head around 5 eye widths wide). If your wanting to create an attractive character I would use the golden ruler and start placing features based off of this.
Hope this helps!
I reworked the placement of the eyes and added some assymmetry. I also worked further on the low poly, the only thing left now is basically the hair.
I'm going to have to adjust her eyes as she's staring too much atm.
Don't know if you were planning to do so but I suggest adding a layer of baked ambient occlusion over her eyes. Helps them blend in better, especially with the upper lid. Also, as you're using Toolbag, refraction is also something you might consider, as it's quite easy to do:
The freckles are cool, but as a result of them being there, the tip of her nose appears to be lacking some detail.
Also, are the eyebrows painted?
one thing though, i think the back of her head might be too small. or general the brain containing part.
i don't know what focal lenght you are using, but it already looks way too small in zbrush.
here is a reference picture of natalie portman and keep in mind that this is taken by a real camera, so in orthographic view the back of her head should be way bigger.
@Poseidon8734 Thank you!
@Goeddy Thanks, I'll look at the proportions of the skull tomorrow to see if there's a problem, I've probably been using a pretty bad FOV in Zbrush, so don't look too too much at that now.
ye zbrush perspective is always shady business
here thats a head of mine in zbrush perspective and ortho.
what im trying to show with this is that in ortho your head has to look way too big. unrealisticly big. because no normal person has ever seen a real head in an orthogonal view.
my head is probably not perfect either, but noone ever said that it was too big
left is perspective, right is ortho
I fiddled some more with the eyes and changed them to blue which looks more interesting imo.
This is where I'm at with the hair:
@pongstah Thanks
You'd essentially use three different models/materials: One for the eye (for SSS, iris refraction), one for the cornea (reflection) and one for the shading, each successive part scaled up a little bit to avoid z-fighting.
But you're on a good way already. How'd you solve the shadow if I may ask?
Also, for the hair, did you use ZBrush, some curve magic inside Maya or hand-place all the faces?
Topology is looking good, BTW.
@slosh Thanks man!
I will haveto add some extra layers as there are currently gaps here and there, and I will also add small strips of stray hairs.
I suggest you to add more volume and polys to the ponytail part of her hair.
It currently look very thin and really need more depth and layers to really sell the look you are going for.
@Tits Thank you very much! I will definitely add more hair in the ponytail, I didn't realise how sparsely they were placed until they got their textures.
@nickcomeau Thanks! I will absolutely do a construction shot once I'm done that shows all the maps, there are quite a few though so putting together a sheet would take some time. I might just put one together for the face textures tomorrow as I feel that would be much more suitable for critique than the hair at this point. In the meantime, if there is any specific map you'd like to see I'd be happy to share it.
This is where I'm currently at. I think I need to add moar polygons.
If you got any feedback, this is the time, I need anything I can get to push this to polish for the last two days of the project.
The hair is coming along really nicely! My only real criticism lie in the skin. i think you may have the subdermis cranked a little too high and/or slightly too saturated, which is giving the skin a really weird almost jaundiced tone. I'd also lower the intensity of the freckles a bit, the number is fine it's just they're creating a really sunburned look in some areas of the skin.
I agree with Gir for the redness of the skin.
I 'd add some glossiness to her forehead and maybe her collar bone too.
Actually this is weird but the part that 's lit by the blue light looks glossy enough and the yellow looks matte, so my comment applies to the yellow part. :P
Also, because of the lack of spec in the hair it is looking super dry right now. I personally would add a bit more of a spec on parts of the hair to make it pop a bit more and look slightly healthier.
@Firith Thank you! I've encountered the same problem several times where something appears more glossy from one light source than another, I don't really understand what is causing it.
@nickcomeau You're right on about it looking dry.
Lesson learned(for the third time): Hair's a bitch. It really does soak up a huge amount of time to go from really bad to bad and rarely crossing over to ok. I think I'll just not make the hair the focal point of my presentation at all and I'll focus on making it look ok from the front, adding more loops to the bangs and tweaking the stray hairs.
as a personal preference thing, freckles + green eyes + slightly red/auburn hair... mmm yeah
This was the last day so now I'll try to pose her, make a presentation and throw her up on the portfolio, thanks guys!
i'd turn off local reflections though, there are some artifacts, especially visible on the lower side of her nose.
also there is a certain disconnect between the lip diffuse and the other maps, i'd try to put some of that detail atleast in the glossmap.
also forehead is still too narrow...