So I was working on this mask and was adding the stitching but it was pixelated. The ONLY division it would look ok was division 5 which brings the mask at 12million+ ActivePoints. I really shouldn't be needing high numbers, my mesh was clean and I had used zremesher/claypolish going into this.
I'm really curious what other people would do with this dilemma? I'm thinking of trying to make a duplicate, zremesh and divide and then try and project the old one onto the new one.

So yes, clearly my lowest division at 48K was way too high. So I deleted the stitches layer, dynameshed it (set to 824 resolution) , duplicated, zremeshed it and projected on every one of the 5 divisions.
Much better numbers now. At higest division I put the stitches back in with an alpha brush, it's ok but if you zoom in it becomes pixelated. I think this might be because of my alpha, perhaps it's too small at 443x438 pixels at 72 Resolution (dpi)? I opened up an alpha from my zbrush install folders and it was 438 x 375 at 200 resolution. Perhaps I should actually try insert mesh brush?
Confused :S
Thanks for the support!