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3DMax problems

I started to use again 3D Max, but this time, i will stick with it.
Here is my problem for now.
Black polygon, How to fix it? I tried with Normal modifier but it is still there


  • Joost
    Offline / Send Message
    Joost polycount sponsor
    hard to tell from that screenshot. Looks like a smoothing group issue? If you don't mind you can upload your max file somewhere and I can have a look for you.
  • Boban
  • Boban
    Okey now i have another problem. Zooming, paning and rotating in Max is way to fast, i use maya controls in Max also with wacom. But i cant control this thing, it is rotate to fast on the model that i cant even see, also for zoom, it is zoom in and out to fast.

    Anyway i can Fix it?
  • Joost
    Offline / Send Message
    Joost polycount sponsor
    try orthographic view ("u" key)
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    The problem with the lighting is coming from the "dou" lighting. You can disable this and use only one light in the viewport instead of the two by roght clicking onto the "+" on the left top corner of the viewport, and there will be the rendering options, and you can set the lighting to use 1 light.

    For the zoom issue, there is a button on the right- very bottom sire, and its called "zoom extents selected". You can reset this on every viewport by clicking onto the button which is on the right side of the previous button and its called "zoom extents all selected".
  • Boban
    Right, thank you for this. My zoom is again very fast, but i will learn to live with it.
    One more issue i have.

    Mesh sometimes goes only on wireframe mode automatically for just a second, when i try to rotate very close, or to weld some vertices, also disappear from time to time, whatever i do.

    Any way to fix it ? I am using 2015
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