Hi folks, ex-pro game developer here. I've worked for AAA dev houses before, but now I just develop my own random ideas, true to the old-school garage-development ideals.
Right now I'm working on a space simulation for Oculus Rift with a procedural universe. The space outside the ship looks great, but my structures and interiors could use some inspiration. On the Rift, that becomes even more apparent. I simply suck at designing art and spaces, but if I have source material, I can put together damn near anything.
So, I'm looking for a passionate sci-fi environmental/mechanical concept artist who wants to see their 2D concepts brought to life. I don't even really have a set style in mind, so anyone interested would have a lot of freedom in art direction.
I do my projects because I love what I do. I don't expect to make a dime from them, and many never see the light of day. I create these projects to explore what's possible; to try new things and see if they're fun; to create new experiences.
On the off-chance one of these projects does become commercially viable, we'd figure out an amenable royalty agreement beforehand, and you would, of course, retain all rights to your work.
Finally, anyone who wants to contribute can get regular builds as the projects progress, and I can provide renders of any environments based on your work for portfolios and such.
So, if you're interested, shoot me a message with some of your work, and we'll see if we can't make some interactive magic together!
Edit to add: I'm also open to 3D environment artists as well, but you would need to be able to design as well as implement, and you'd have to be willing to work under the restrictions of game development (poly limits, set scale, etc.).
Here are some in-game screenshots of the current assets:
