I have been thinking about this idea for a very long time. After I had done the fishing cannon I was more encouraged to begin this project. I have often said that there is in flux and popularity in hand painted textures especially in a 'WoW' and fantasy style which led me to pursue an interest in trying to do more handpainted scifi in an attempt to stand out from the crowd and the majority.
-Create and master handpainted scifi textures for an environment diorama depicting a New York Suburbia in the far distant future.
-Find the best and sufficient way of working with utilizing the best tools and methods.
-Learn and master Unreal Engine 4.
So as the last objective mentioned this will be my first project this year that I will be incorporating UE4. I've had a great time working with Marmoset Toolbag 2 but I think its time to push myself further. I can still use MT2 when I'm testing assets tough.
To save time I will also avoid as much traditional hardsurfacing and only use it on certain parts of the environment that I'd like to show off .
So my reference includes obviously a lot of New York suburbia, how the streets feel and look, West Village in particular. I also looked a lot into the following of which will be very influential through out this project:-
Back to the Future 2
Ratchet and Clank
Also I have created a
pin board full of images and also videos.
What I'll have by the end is a cut out diorama of New New York Suburbia with apartment block with all sorts of scifi craziness.
There will be a strong emphasis on colour but also avoiding creating too much noise.
This maybe hard to avoid but I must remind myself about how less can be more and its not about how complicated a scene is that makes it better than something else.
This is going to be a hard project but its going to be a really exciting one and one I hope I can stay with.
-Make blockout with all the correct sizes and proportions
-Transfer blockout from 3ds max to UE4
-Concept key parts, the eye candy.
-Create an asset list based off blockout
-Model, Unwrap and texture road and pavement and implement it into UE4
I intend to have this all done by the end of this weekend (8.3)
I dont want this to be a long project. If I can get it all done by the latest the end of May I'll be happy.
I know there is no concepts here yet but if you have any feedback or anything to add then don't hesitate!
-Make blockout with all the correct sizes and proportions-DONE
-Transfer blockout from 3ds max to UE4-DONE
-Concept key parts, the eye candy.
-Create an asset list based off blockout-DONE
-Model, Unwrap and texture road and pavement and implement it into UE4-DONE
Getting stuff into ue4 was relatively easy and now its just the process of replacing the blockout meshes with the new meshes.
I didn't get round to concepting, but I will need too once i get to the most interesting and important assets.
Asset list:
window #2
pipe balcony
door border
plant pots
ground pipes
Robot trashcan sweeper
-finish pavement texture
-finish pavement asset
-make road
The blockout is only that, I plan to go completely crazy with shapes and detail but still being sensible and not to make the small space so noisey.
Any crit so far would be greatly appreciated.