The other thing you'll likely start seeing, as is happening with some of the new unreal stuff, is more multi level texturing. You'll have some textures for large scale things, and smaller, more tileable, detail maps for material definition when you get closer. So rather than just continuously increasing resolution, which has a direct memory requirement, the techniques for applying the textures are changing.
The trend goes more and more towards using tiling, layered materials for almost everything. Don't think we will use much higher resolution textures necessarely but more close up details via the materials.
Textures won't be so important, we will focus on materials. Crazy blendings of many, tiny textures and masks in shaders. I just wait for "warm edges" node in UE, I bet It will appear soon.
same answer really. masked tiling detail maps on characters are pretty common. as is doing highly detailed parts like hair as a separate element from the base texture. no more blurry eyebrows.
But texture resolution will increase at a rate that is dictated by technology and the products put out by those creating them.
So the only answer is, it doesn't have to, but it will as technology flows.
But, what about assets like characters; where they have to be baked from hi-poly?
You guys think 8k maps might become more common place?