Maxis finally lost that final game of rock-paper-scissors with the Grim Reaper after trying to repair a busted computer.
I know it isn't still the Maxis of Sim City 2000, SimCopter, SimEarth, and The Sims, but... still. Should have had a better end than this. Sad conclusion to a cornerstone of our industry's history.
Especially since Maxis was one of my favorite game studios for a long time. Even long after they were bought by EA. I have put hundreds of hours into Sim City 4 and I am still waiting for a true successor.
Thanks for all the great games Maxis! You were a huge part of my childhood.
Simcity2000 is still one of the best games ever made.
Christ. Now I have to clean coffee off my monitor. Thanks.
I did for a bit, it looked good gameplay was ok but it was very limited in scope and scale and could only build in a small box. Plus it had some major issues with launch since it required an always on connection even for single player and the servers were a mess.
I think I put a few hundred hours into it along with the future cities expansion. I also got to the galactic center with at least 2 species in spore. RIP in my favorite game studio.
My understanding is this was the "original". Some of the posts from former staff in various places also suggest the layoffs are a lot wider than the press release admits, and not too many people got lateral transfers.
Kind of like when they shut Flight Sim down and said they were retaining part of the team to continue supporting the business license version for defense / instruction... out of more than 200 people, that was like 4 guys.
Agreed that it is sad to see them go, but I do also agree I wasn't overly surprised. Thoughts go out to those who are displaced from work because of this. Sucks to hear. Hopefully it is just the beginning of a new chapter for those though, could be quite exciting after 12yrs.
Also charging for mods... lol.
It would of been great if you were able to see the civilizations actually fight with each other in a mini-simulation and the creatures behave with each other. (IE tracking the outcome of a simulation and being able to influence it, I'm pretty sure the outcomes were "faked" in the space stage) Also, having the civilizations react to the player's space ship like it did in Will Wright's old spore demo would of been awesome.
Basically Spore 2 equaling more time and polish on the concepts of Spore 1 and implementing the stuff they weren't able to get into the final game would be awesomesauce for me.
Alas I have the feeling that they'll never develop a Spore 2 and only work on the Sims series.
RIP Maxis HQ, loved your work
Yeah, this is correct. Maxis Emeryville was shut down but Maxis @ EA's HQ in Redwood City is still here and we're working solid. Still, it's always a blow when any part of the industry gets hit with layoffs/closures.