names james, im a 16 year old student currently studying animation. i catch a train every morning that takes a hour. Looking for game animations that need to be done so my time is spent productively.
Hi James, I am Noah. I have a small job I'd like done on a model I bought. Looking to find someone that can UV wrap and rig it for animation. I don't have the skills or time needed right now. I am in the middle of several short films.
I have a project for you to join if you're interested. The project is a supernatural action genre that stars six supernatural characters on their journeys and fight to stay alive. If you're interested email me at
If you can help out, let me know.
and our team's recruitment post here
That the right attitude the critical acclaimed Rpme:total war and Medieval II : Total war modding team of Europa Barbarorum is looking for.
We would need any help that would imply a bit of motivation and a bit of productive regular spare time