Hey there. I was hoping someone could help me out with getting my leaf shader in a better place.
As you can see, right now the shadows are too dark and ugly.
This is my material.
I have tangent space normals unchecked, emissive checked, and shading model set to subsurface, although I'm not really sure in what way any of these affect the shadowing. Any advice is much appreciated.
Thanks although I haven't been able to find any documentation yet on foliage shading.
You also want to check the strength of your light source. A very bright lightsource makes the SSS more obvious whereas a weaker or duller light source makes the SSS look more subtle.
You can also add more lights into a scene or bake out lightmaps to get secondary bounces in your shadows.
Modifying the vnormals is no magic bullet though, if you want a truly great tree you'll need to make the canopy a lot denser.
Here's an update.