Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this issue.
Two meshes, same tricount, same topology, nothing remotely unique that differentiates either of the two. Except different uvs and when I transfer the new uvs to the old mesh, the uvs break up. No idea why this is happening and I feel like i'm overlooking something or i'm just being an idiot. Any help would be great.
Left is old mesh with old uvs - Right is dup mesh with new uvs transferred & broken
Video of it breaking.
And another video which is crazy.
The mesh that I used to make the new uvs was from the old mesh, so there's literally no difference in topology.
Unless there is something I'm missing, please help!
these scripts might be helpful
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/morphix (only if the vert order has been changed somehow)
Like Joost said, the possible problem can be different vertex order. You can test this by using Morph modifier. Both scripts above can help. Another way to fix bad vertex order - Mudbox.
But there is another possible reason: different triangulation.
Example: http://i.gyazo.com/bc9ac2ab4d30c04b10165de8391dec11.gif
Left sphere is created/unwraped in max, right one in 3d-coat. Export/import is handled by an applink using .obj. I tried to copy/paste the uvs with Channel info. You can see the result.
The fix here is to use "re triangulate" option in Edit poly or Editable poly on the imported object and then, like Joost said, convert to editable mesh and then back to editable poly. The convert is somehow important (maybe involve some sort of face/edge index reordering ?) Result:
Hope this helps a bit.
Greatly appreciated!
i agree that vertex order is the most likely cause and easy to terst using the morph modifier. you can fix it in max using the morphix script.