Home Quixel Megascans

ANSWERED: How to tweak the megascans materials

I can't find the source data for the megascans materials.

I was watching this video from the wiki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXPORiyVbVo#t=41

And he finds the source textures somewhere but I don't see them anywhere on my system. I've found some .pat files and that's about it.

I'd like to, for example, tweak the gloss map on PVC plastic to create a less shiny plastic. And then reuse that material on many textures in my game. At the moment, the best I can do is tweak the reflectance to make it less white. What I'd really like to do is actually modify the texture with more control.

Another good example is there's a nice scratch texture but there's one section of it with a noticeable scratch that looks bad when it repeats so I'd want to tweak that.


  • Eric Ramberg
    Offline / Send Message

    The source data for the megascans are actually .pat files, the values for each material is stored in xml-files at users/public/quixel/suite/script/presets/materials/megascans
    But all those values can be tweaked in the suite, to tweak the gloss you simply go to the gloss tab and click on the reflectance value and select a color, same with all other maps!

    If you want you can add a smart material, do the tweaks that you want, and re-save it as a smart material, then you can re-use it as many times as you want! Hope this helps, let me know if there is anything else you´re wondering about!
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