Related to asset creation - does anyone use Mudbox for texturing objects? I have a problem where projection painting using a 2k seamless texture map applies really low-res looking textures on my object, unless I re-create UV's at like 15 tiles, but then the problem lies where exporting the FBX to UE4 gives 15 materials just for that one texture, and I have to sort through the exported UV textures from Mudbox and place them in the corresponding materials, then make normal maps for them one at a time (I use Quixel for normal map creation) and so (for example) setting up materials for a tree that is one part bark and one part leaves takes an hour because the bark material is split into 15 parts.
Sorry for the rambling, anyone have any tips? When painting in Mudbox, my diffuse layer is 4096x4096, if I downscaled that to something lower would it the 2k seamless texture map project better since it's higher resolution than the actual diffuse layer in mudbox, or would it just make it look worse since the overall diffuse texture I'm creating with mudbox is a lower texture?
Thanks in advance for any tips. Sorry if this isn't the right section for this, I'm new here.