Hey guys,
I want to share some pictures of my Winchester 1873 that I'am working on. I named it Orchidae.
Some observations: The caliber in the barrel is wrong, I need to edit the high poly and bake it again, should be .44.
The gun should be something between a new and used state.
This asset is for a Dx9 game, basic blinn shader (DIFF, NRM, SPEC) and a reflection map to make things fancier.
Those screenShots are direct from Mudbox. Everything was made using Maya, Mudbox and Xnormal.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
I'd also post a better wireframe image. Black wireframe on opaque white mesh will be a lot easier to read. It looks like you've got a lot of unnecessary edge loops but it's difficult to see the topology well with the current wireframe image.
Please also post any reference images you're working from. It'll be easier to critique the model and textures if we have a better understanding of what your end goal is.
Your progress so far looks good though, keep at it and continue posting updates.
As for the reference images, i don't have a specific one. Those textures came from my mind, and for the parts, i have a lot of random images from a lot of different 1873 variants, and there is a lot of them.