Hey guys!
Currently working on this character here, but need some criticisms.
Got it to the best of my knowledge. Looked at proportions, anatomy etc. Still early stages.
I'm going for a fighter type of character with lean muscles but quite defined.
Want to progress with sculpting the muscles, but I do believe that the head is a bit too small and/ or the neck is to high?? Also the lower body still needs work.
Also, don't worry about the feet. He will be wearing shoes.
If any of you could give me any suggestions on any further improvements or what needs to be changed. I would really appreciate it! I know most of you guys are very good at 3D!
If you aren't aware of it already, I would look at Anatomy4sculptors It has some amazing information on anatomy.
I did a quick sketch over your image based on some things that I would do just to give you an idea as to what I'm suggesting.
Hope it helps and keep it up!
I' am aware of the anatomy4sculptors site, but tend to use it very little. I find it useful when blocking out the major muscle groups. But when it comes to defining muscles and secondary groups. I just rely on google and digital sculpting book I have
As for your sketch. It wont load it