Hi, I'm having a problem with my CG tessellation and displacement shader.
I'm doing this in unity but I'm not sure this is related to unity.

To make it short. I use the diffuse texture alpha chanel as my displacement source. I set it to 128.
I calculate displacement like that (DisplacementCenter = 0.5f)
float vHeight = (tex2Dlod(_MainTex, float4(uv,0,0)).a - _DisplacementCenter) * _DisplacementFactor;
vertexPosition.xyz += normal * vHeight;
So why is there a gap?!
gamma? I've set import to skip sRGB sampling. I set it to linear color space.. Nothing changes a bit. Maybe the problem it's already located in Photoshop? My color picker tells me 128. Is the alpha channel ever treated by gamma?