I'm in the process of adding hair planes to a model I've made but I've not found a good tutorial for skinning them so that they follow the underlying mesh.
I've placed the planes on the mesh and the base skin is weightpainted but I'm not sure what the best way to weight the hair planes. Hopefully there is a way to do it more efficiently than manually painting each plane individually.
Feedback on the model is also welcomed.
Here is an image of the model:

@jfeez: I looked at that before but the download link is 404 and if I copy the code it gives me error messages.
I don't know coding so I cant fix it either unfortunately.
@Mark Dygert: I've used max quite a bit and I have it installed so I might be able to export it to max, fix the skin weight and then export it back to maya.
Thanks, I'll post how it went later today or tomorrow.
I might take the time to fix it properly later on but it looks alright for now.
Thanks for the replies