I would like to create a script that will convert any sub object selected to faces.
So if vertex than convert to face
if edge convert to faces
if element convert to faces
Can anyone tell me what are the script lign for that.
Thanks in advance.
$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #edge #Face
subobjectLevel = 4
And i don't know how can i tell "use current selection than convert to face"
Is there a way to do that ? i would like to have just on shortcut key that will convert whatever to faces ... Actually with my script i have 3 shortcuts used for this ...
@Vaillias : Yes i know. My goal is to work in expert mode so i'm creating a lot of smart functions with script and assigning them to my keyboard. In order to don't use anymore the UI.
go to all commands
search for
convert to XXX (poly)
XXX = face, edge or vertex
what else do you want to do? your description was convert subobjectX to faces, this is exactly what it does.