This is my favorite work with my colleagues in my free time in D'sculpt Studio.
I especially fancy to Blizzard artwork and once again I decided to sculpt fanart about Barbarian character but with a little bit under my idea.
Title: Barbarian
Version by Dsculpt Studio
Country: VietNam
Software: 3Ds Max, Zbrush
Thanks @programmer23
Thanks @proximity
Thanks @BradMyers82. I used 3ds max and zbrush to scuplt base and detailed. I used fibermesh to create the hair.
I especially like the use of fibermesh.
I'd be interested to hear your process if you don't mind.
One day I hope to be your level
Thanks @proximity
Thanks @BradMyers82. I used 3ds max and zbrush to scuplt base and detailed. I used fibermesh to create the hair.
Thanks @K